
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

(1) Update error message: "Network error: Could not resolve host"
Solution: Check the repository URL. Ensure the URL ends with "/"

(2) A script has gone missing (PixInsight 1.8.9-2 and later). How do I get it back?
Solution: RESOURCES > Updates > Reset Updates
Restart PixInsight and check for updates.

This deletes the '...\etc\update\installed.xri' file. For example, on Windows 10 it deletes:
C:\Program Files\PixInsight\etc\update\installed.xri

(3) A script has gone missing (PixInsight 1.8.9-1). How do I get it back?
Solution: Delete 'updates.xri' from the PixInsight root folder. For example on Windows 10 delete:
C:\Program Files\PixInsight\updates.xri

(4) I tried "Reset Updates", but a script is still missing.
Solution: Reinstall PixInsight.

(5) A PixInsight bug has been reported for Mac OS that can affect the installation of all PI C++ modules (for example, StarNet2-pxm.dylib or NSGXnml-pxm.dylib). The following error can occur during installation:

Installing 1 module(s):
<* failed *>
*** Error: Unknown exception
** Warning: No modules were installed.

Work around: This error only occurs if you display the metadata for the C++ module while installing it. The problem only affects Mac OS. See Installing NSGXnml on macOS

(6) If a script exists, but is not in the Scripts menu, use --default-scripts to reset the Script main menu to match the scripts within the PixInsight/src/scripts folder. Any manually added scripts would then need to be added again via 'SCRIPT > Feature Scripts...'

PixInsight --default-scripts

/Applications/PixInsight/ --default-scripts

Windows (Command Prompt):
"C:\Program Files\PixInsight\bin\PixInsight.exe" --default-scripts

Windows (Windows PowerShell):
& "C:\Program Files\PixInsight\bin\PixInsight.exe" --default-scripts