
Purchase NSG

For the most accurate results from NormalizeScaleGradient, you need to purchase a license for the C++ module NSGXnml. This runs in the background and enables all of NSG's extra capabilities.

Customer reviews are available on the Home page.

A single user license for NSGXnml costs £20 GBP (UK Sterling). This is approximately equivalent to €22.50 Euros, or $24 US dollars (February 2023). The license can be used on all of your computers, and on any of the supported operating systems. All future updates are included. Your purchase will help fund the development and support of both NormalizeScaleGradient (NSG) and PhotometricMosaic (PMM).

If you have previously supported my hard work via, this will be discounted from the price. Be sure to mention this in your purchase email. Thank you for your support!

How to purchase


Send me an email with 'Purchase NSG' in the title. Please include your full name in the email.
(Don't use a temporary email account, these often get flagged as spam)

Replace [at] with @ (I used [at] to avoid automatic spam).

I will then send you a PayPal request.

ko-fi purchase Credit Card:

Use the Support me button at the bottom of this page to pay
£20 (Donate 4 x £5 'coffees').

Your name: Provide your full name.
Your message: Purchase NSG Ref: Your Name

Send me an email with 'Purchased NSG (ko-fi)' in the title.
Please include your full name in the email so that I can match it with the ko-fi payment.
I will then reply to your email to send you the license key
(Don't use a temporary email account, these often get flagged as spam)

Replace [at] with @ (I used [at] to avoid automatic spam).

Download & Install

To download and install, see the Repository page.
To activate the license, see the License page.